Plant Ally Cards
“Plants are out interconnected allies. The quality of our life is enhanced by plugging into Nature’s energy on a regular basis. The Plant Ally Cards are helping to cultivate self-compassion within us so we can connect with Nature and also improve well-being. When we become accepting, warmer and kinder towards ourselves and our experiences of life, we are naturally kinder to others. We can then extend this kindness outwards to all living things.” – Lisa McLoughlin.
Multimedia artist and ‘maker’ Lisa McLoughlin here uses a vast range of techniques to create a deck of eclectic range. Each card takes a plant as its focus and builds upon this to attribute meaning and deliver sage advice. A clear product of McLoughlin’s intersecting interest; botanical fauna, the human form, and pattern-work, are blended together in these collective work constantly in stylistic flux.
55 Large 3.5 x 5 Inch cards in a simple card tuck box.
2 in stock